

JoggAR is a mixed-modality AR approach for technology-augmented jogging. JoggAR demonstrates a novel combination of wearable visual, audio and sensing technology to realize a game-like persistent augmented reality (AR) environment to enhance jogging and other exertion experiences that involves changing attention intensities in the course of the activities. In particular we developed a method to perform an audio-first exploration of 3D virtual spaces so as to achieve our experiential goal of supporting exertion-focused activities.


Chek Tien Tan (UTS Games Studio)
Floyd Mueller (RMIT Exertion Games Lab)
Rich Byrne (RMIT Exertion Games Lab)
Simon Lui (SUTD Audio Research Lab)


Mueller, F., Tan, C., Byrne, R., Jones, M. 13 Game Lenses for Designing Diverse Interactive Jogging Systems. Proceedings of CHI PLAY 2017..

Tan, C.T., Byrne, R., Lui, S., Liu, W., Mueller, F., and Studio, G.JoggAR : a mixed-modality AR approach for technology-augmented jogging. Proceedings of SIGGRAPH Asia 2015 MGIA, ACM Press (2015).

Dec. 27, 2016, 9:26 a.m.